Columbia, South Carolina – John A. McAllister, Jr., Accredited Land Consultant and Accredited Auctioneer of Real Estate announces the strategic alliance of his firm Mission Possible: John McAllister Realty Consulting, LLC (MPJMRC) with Sabre Capital, Inc. (SABRE) of Raleigh, North Carolina.
McAllister’s firm, MPJMRC has been retained to advise individuals, families, partnerships, corporations, government entities and financial institutions on strategies to optimize the price of their real property. Frequently clients want to sell businesses or business interests; aligning with SABRE gives MPJMRC the capability to address mergers, acquisitions and divestitures (MAD). James A. (Trip) Holmes, III President of SABRE and Certified Business Intermediary has specialized in providing consulting and investment banking services to the owners of privately owned companies since 1984. McAllister has over 37 years of accelerated real estate marketing experience and an extensive network of special asset program partners across the nation.
“Using our proven process assisting individuals, companies and government entities that face the need to raise cash and are saddled with complex, and sometimes nonperforming assets, we are able to optimize value received by our clients. Traditional sales approaches are not working in today’s market and we have a proven process and programming to achieve client objectives.” said Holmes.
“We do a careful analysis of our client’s specific situation to understand their needs, uncovering additional value and make arrangements for the best possible programming.” said McAllister.
McAllister and Holmes believe that with the synchronization and alignment of strategy, process and programming…together their firms may:
- Bring New Life to Real Property and Businesses
- Create Liquidity
- Reduce Long-Term Carrying Costs, Including Taxes & Maintenance
- Optimize Value Received